A lot of us have been working from home since the pandemic hit. Which has thrown both our minds and body all out of balance.
We’re missing out on extra steps we’d usually get walking from the car to the office or simply to grab a coffee during a break.
We’re working from our usual space of comfort and relaxation and gyms have been closed.
We associate habits with our environment.
Here are a few healthy changes you can make to flourish in your home environment.
Table Of Contents
- Cut Out The Lattes
- Drink Green Tea
- Don’t Eat Where You Work
- Drink More Water
- Intermittent Fasting
- Move Your Body
- Yoga
- De-Stress
- Tap Into Your Intuition
- Eat Mindfully
- Home Workouts
1. Cut Out The Lattes
Switch out lattes and cappuccinos for a black coffee or a coffee with a splash of your favorite milk. If you’re having multiple coffees a day while working from home, all that milk can add up and leave you feeling not so great.
While coffee quality is on the rise, it’s both tastier and better for your health! You can happily sip your morning brew knowing that you are improving heart health while reducing risk of Melanoma, Parkinson’s Disease, Chronic Liver Disease and Diabetes 2.

2. Drink Green Tea
Switch out that glass of wine for some herbal tea. In the last year I began switching out coffee after 2pm for herbal tea and I’ve fallen head over heels with it.
There are a bazillion different types of lovely tea to choose from and it’s like a warm hug from your favorite cup. For as long as I’ve known I’ve drank green tea (decaffeinated) before bed. With working from home you’ll pay little for it!
Green tea has a tonne of benefits including: increasing fat burn, improving brain function, protecting the brain from ageing and prevention heart disease!

3. Don’t Eat Where You Work
When you aren’t mindfully eating, you’re body has a harder time deciphering when you’re full. It’s too easy to eat at our desk when working from home.
Also, when you’re enjoying a meal you should be taking a break from your work. Even if it’s 20 minutes. You deserve it.

4. Drink MORE water!!
Did you know over half the time you feel hunger you’re actually dehydrated?
Drinking more water can improve your mood and memory, reduce headaches and sugar cravings and help with concentration. It’s also completely free!!
Having a glass before each meal will help you understand when you are actually full. I always carry a Liter bottle with me everywhere I go.
If you’re getting recurring headaches and feeling tired, check if you’re drinking enough water. You can also check how hydrated you are by using the pee test.

5. Intermittent Fasting
There are a number of different Intermittent Fasting one can do. You can check out my article on Intermittent Fasting here.
I incorporated this Intermittent Fasting into my life 2 years ago and it has genuinely changed my life. It has improved my mental clarity, productivity levels, relationship with food, and learn how to practice intuitive eating.

6. Move Your Body
Take a call while walking around your house. You should get up and walk around every hour.
This can be hard to do but actually helps with concentration and your body hates being sedentary for so long.
If it’s dark when you’re finished work, use your lunch to go for a short walk and indulge in a new podcast.

7. Yoga
Morning yoga is one of the most wonderful ways to start a great day. You’re stretching your body and taking a moment for yourself.
Getting up that extra bit early to practice can make all the difference. Don’t know what to do? Why not get some inspiration from some of my yoga videos on my Youtube Channel.

8. DeStress
If you are feeling stressed out, your cortisol levels will be on the rise. Which can result in high blood pressure, trouble sleeping, mood swings, low energy levels and weight gain.
It is oh so important to take time out of your time to destress. Whether that’s making some time for meditation, spending some time with a loved one or incorporating Hygge into your life

9. Tap Into Your Intuition
Whether it’s the level of intensity you’re working out or the type of food you’re choosing to consume. The more you match what your body wants, the better you will feel after.
Don’t feel like going for that run? Try some low intensity pilates or yoga. Craving something sweet? Try having some fruit. Using your intuition will only get better with practice. Give yourself a pat on the back each time you get it right, knowing you’re only getting better.

10. Eat Mindfully
When you’re cooking for yourself, and hungry it can be hard to not put on a serving size for a family of 5. Drinking water regularly can help with when your body alerts you that you’re hungry, when you actually are dehydrated.
It can also help understand when you need to stop eating. We so often sit in front of Netflix while eating, although we’re not fully tasting our food and mindfully eating. Research says, when distracted while eating you’ll eat more.
Try to enjoy your food without the background noise, taste your food!! It will help you understand when you are full and eat the right amount.
The most concentrated amount of Centurions live on in island in Japan called Okinawa. They live with the mantra of IKIGAI, one of their most important things is to eat until they are 3/4s full. Try it out, it might make you live longer!

11. Home Workouts
Just because the gym is not open does not mean you cannot workout. We are blessed with the amount of FREE online home workouts today.
I used to be a gym junkie, until I had to give it up as I travelled the world with my partner and it wasn’t viable. I became my fittest from doing home workouts and you can too!
Find what you love, not what you’ll dread. There are so many brilliant options and fun exercise videos like Dance Workouts, Song Workout, Barre, Pilates, Yogalates and Yoga.
The more you move your body and stay active, the more endorphins will be released and the happier you will be. Check out my channel here for all free content.

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