by Danielle | Feb 22, 2022 | Balanced Soul, Courage
We all fear something. These can be physical fears like sharks, snakes, and spiders. Mental fears like public speaking, talking to a crush or losing your job. Along with emotional fears: speaking with an estranged parent, being forgotten after death, or even...
by Danielle | Nov 4, 2021 | Balanced Mind, Compassion
Why should we have compassion? When we learn how to have compassion for both others and ourselves, the world becomes a brighter place. “ Everything I give to others is a gift to myself. As I give, I receive.” We all want to wire our brains so that we can be the best...
by Danielle | Nov 4, 2021 | Balanced Mind, Theme
What does acceptance mean to you? For me, it means accepting anything outside your control – be it a situation, someone, or something without judgment or trying to change the circumstance. Learn to Let Go When I began to suffer from PTSD, I struggled with...
by Danielle | Aug 13, 2021 | Balanced Soul, Forgiveness, Theme
Whether it is yourself you must forgive for your past mistakes or somebody else in your life that has wronged you. Sometimes we hold onto this burden that hurts us much more than the other person. Relaxation becomes impossible when we’re holding onto...
by Danielle | Aug 4, 2021 | Anger, Balanced Mind, Theme
We all feel anger, it’s an emotion that can ignite a fire within us forcing us to do or say things we regret. But why do we feel anger and how can we control it? Anger is a natural response to stimuli we perceive as threats. Anger can cause our body to release...