by Danielle | Feb 1, 2021 | Balanced Mind
I learned a lot from quitting social media. For almost an entire year I didn’t have notifications buzzing in my pocket, constantly alerting me to what I was missing out on. I didn’t whip out my phone anytime I was experiencing something positive, feeling the...
by Danielle | Jan 21, 2021 | Balanced Plan
“Organize your space, organize your mind” I was never the most organized kid growing up. Although I certainly aspired to be, I got jealous of those neat, routined girls in school who really had their sheeet together. My calendar was always crammed...
by Danielle | Jan 11, 2021 | Balanced Mind
We all want to be our best self. But in order to achieve this we must address one of the main building blocks – our mental health. Mental health has had a negative stigma for so long that many people were embarrassed to speak up about it. Myself included. ...
by Danielle | Dec 19, 2020 | Balanced Plan
Unsure what gift to buy your loved ones this christmas? It can be difficult thinking of what gift to buy your friends and family at Christmas. An awkward secret santa. Your dad, who never actually needs anything. That estranged relative, that you...
by Danielle | Dec 17, 2020 | Balanced Body
We’ve all been thrown off balance from the coronavirus. It has caused us forced self-reflection. We have been told to stay home and question all that we have, who we’re spending all of our time with and our own happiness. For those of us to be lucky enough to keep our...