by Danielle | Feb 9, 2021 | Balanced Plan
Racking your brain trying to find a present for Valentine’s Day?Look no further! Find the perfect gift you can DIY at home or buy online. WHY are boys so hard to buy for? They’re “happy with anything“ but you still want to get them the perfect gift with that WOW...
by Danielle | Feb 9, 2021 | Balanced Plan
Valentine’s Day can make some people sick. When you’re single, it has a weird way of making you feel lonely for the day – even if you’re perfectly content with being single. I remember when I was happily single I dreaded Valentine’s Day. It was the one day a...
by Danielle | Jan 21, 2021 | Balanced Plan
“Organize your space, organize your mind” I was never the most organized kid growing up. Although I certainly aspired to be, I got jealous of those neat, routined girls in school who really had their sheeet together. My calendar was always crammed...
by Danielle | Dec 19, 2020 | Balanced Plan
Unsure what gift to buy your loved ones this christmas? It can be difficult thinking of what gift to buy your friends and family at Christmas. An awkward secret santa. Your dad, who never actually needs anything. That estranged relative, that you...