by Danielle | Feb 22, 2022 | Balanced Soul, Courage
We all fear something. These can be physical fears like sharks, snakes, and spiders. Mental fears like public speaking, talking to a crush or losing your job. Along with emotional fears: speaking with an estranged parent, being forgotten after death, or even...
by Danielle | Aug 13, 2021 | Balanced Soul, Forgiveness, Theme
Whether it is yourself you must forgive for your past mistakes or somebody else in your life that has wronged you. Sometimes we hold onto this burden that hurts us much more than the other person. Relaxation becomes impossible when we’re holding onto...
by Danielle | May 31, 2021 | Balanced Soul, Fear
No matter what you are afraid of, our fears won’t just go away unless we acknowledge them, and take action! I’ve compiled a list of a few techniques that have massively helped me learn how to face and overcome my fears. Overcoming Fear is Power If you have a fear of...
by Danielle | May 24, 2021 | Balanced Soul, Gratitude
Are you in a decent to high-paying job surrounded by material things that promise to make you happy, and still question why you’re not? I remember driving through the countryside in Bali one day. I passed a group of elderly people bathing in the river. My initial...