The cogs
For A Balanced Mind
Meditation can feel daunting, especially at the beginning. You may even think, “What a waste of my precious time!”
But let me assure you – you will get so much more out of meditation than what you give.
While improving your self-esteem and self-awareness, it also lowers levels of anxiety and stress. Meditation helps with fostering kindness towards yourself and others.
It’s also beneficial for physical health as well – posture improvement, increased pain tolerance, and even addiction management.
I kept a diary growing up, but one day I grew out of it. As an adult, thankfully, I’ve grown back into the habit. I now realize the extraordinary amount of benefits journaling has for the mind!
Journaling is a wonderful way to organize your mind and understand your thoughts.
I find it especially helpful when I’m struggling with a problem or if I’m upset. It allows me to gain a sense of clarity.
Sometimes, it takes seeing those messy thoughts on paper to actually understand a situation better. Especially if we aren’t thinking like the most rational human.
Mindfulness is a kind of meditation where you intensely focus on how you feel and become acutely aware of your senses at a particular moment.
Practiced individually, mindfulness is a powerful way to better understand yourself with the absence of judgment or outside evaluation.
Mindfulness helps your concentration levels, allowing you to more accurately observe your feelings and emotions.
If practiced regularly, it decreases levels of stress, depression, and anxiety.