We all want to be our best self. But in order to achieve this we must address one of the main building blocks – our mental health.
Mental health has had a negative stigma for so long that many people were embarrassed to speak up about it. Myself included.
Prior to seeking therapy, I thought it was humiliating to have someone else figure out what was going on inside of my head. My negative, ever-growing voice continued to berate me for being lazy that I couldn’t do it all on my own.
But, wow! Therapy was one of the best gifts I have ever given myself. Whether you’re looking for help or just want some tips, I’ve compiled a list of some methods that have helped me.
Disclaimer: I am not a therapist. I’m simply just sharing what has worked for me. Everybody is different. If you are feeling down, please talk to somebody.
Table Of Contents
- Don’t Struggle On Your Own- Seek Help
- Exercise
- Get Outside
- Meditate
- Limit Your Screen Time
- Sleep
- Food, Glorious Food
- Music, Baby
- Times Are Changing
1. Don’t Struggle On Your Own – Seek Help
We can learn a lot from what our bodies are trying to communicate to us.
Feeling tightness in your chest, restlessness, increased heart rate, sweating and trembling? These are all physical signs of anxiety.
Our bodies are reacting how it would if it was in mortal danger! Except, we’re not being attacked by a lion. We’re simply out and about doing our weekly shop – only suddenly to be struck by inexplicable feelings of impending doom, terrified to be so far from the “safe space” we call home.

If this or other feelings you’re not familiar with have become a common occurrence, I would recommend seeking help from family, friends, or a trusted therapist immediately.
There are so many incredible people out there who can offer brilliant advice. When my anxiety had become too difficult to manage on my own, one of my good friends recommended a holistic therapist she was seeing.
I remember how nervous I was on our first call. But after the initial introduction, I was like a tap that you could not turn off, pouring out everything for nearly 45 minutes.

It wasn’t until that moment that I realised the heavy baggage of problems I had been carrying around with me all this time.
My only regret is that I didn’t see her sooner!
Ironically, my therapist had a similar experience to me. She had been in a car crash and suffered extreme anxiety and PTSD as a result.
It was so nice to be able to relate to somebody else who fully understood what I was experiencing. I realized she didn’t let these mental challenges define her.
And I wouldn’t either!
Therapy is not easy. It’s freaking hard. You’ll uncover a lot of shit that you never even knew was bothering you. You will explore yourself and your mind on another level. It won’t be “just a few sessions and everything’s fixed” kind of situation. You have to put in the work.
But oh my god, it is worth it!

You will feel freedom that you forgot how much you missed. You will get back that curiosity you had as a kid and see the world from an eager, beautiful perspective.
I now see my therapist as a guide who I like to check in with every now and again.
Looking back at my journal, observing how negatively I used to view myself in contrast to how I feel now, it’s like reading a different person’s writing.
I’m so happy I can look back on those painful experiences and learn from them. I have grown so much and continue to grow every day.
I am so proud of myself for these changes I’ve made and kept.
2. Exercise
For me, this is crucial. I could not live without exercise.
I think exercise has gotten a bad rap and people dread it because they haven’t discovered what works for them!
If you dread a workout, try something new. Keep trying new things until you discover something you look forward to doing.
Yoga. Pilates. HIIT. Boxing. Swimming. Hiking. Bicycling. Crossfit. There’s tons of different ways to get active. And when you find something you enjoy, your mind won’t constantly be telling you to stop – You’re too focused on having fun.
Make exercise fun, and you won’t dread it!

Exercise is incredible if you want to experience positive emotions! When you exercise your body releases these fabulous chemicals called endorphins.
Endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. They trigger a positive feeling in the body. If that’s not a reason to go workout then I don’t know what is?
Feeling down? Try going for a run or doing a HIIT home workout.
Feeling too tired for an intense cardio session? Practice some wonderful yoga. ❤️
Want something in the middle? Hit up some pilates.
Pilates is one of my all-time favourites. It will tone your muscles, lengthen your body and bring you into the present.
3. Get Outside
Did you know that there are these wonderful “fractal patterns” that exist in nature and have an immediate calming effect on the body.
“Viewing mid-range Fractals reduces your physiological response to stress by up to 60%.”
— R.P.Taylor, Professor of Physics, Psychology and Art, University of Oregon
Fractal Patterns are self-similar patterns that repeat at different scales e.g A snowflake, peacocks feathers, trees in a forest.

It’s sometimes so easy to get disconnected with reality when we’re constantly zoned into our digital screens.
Try going outside and leave your phone at home. You’ll be less inclined to snap the “perfect pic for the gram” and instead, be more present.
I promise – If you venture outside more, stay off your phone, and observe the natural world surrounding you, fractal patterns will work their magic and you’ll be a calmer, more present person!

4. Meditate
For years I heard the many benefits of meditation. But I was always so lenient to actually try it.
“What a waste of my time sitting and doing nothing when I have so much to do”.
I won’t lie to you and pretend that after my first attempt at meditating that my life changed.
But as I started to incorporate it into my life as a daily habit, I began to see the positive effects. Hey, there’s a reason it’s been around since the 5th Century.
Meditation allowed me to become aware of my thoughts. I was able to watch my thoughts, rather than consume and analyse every one of them.
As we’re constantly busy bee-ing around today, it’s so important to let our mind slow down for a few moments every day.
If sitting alone with your thoughts with a timer on seems too daunting, try guided meditation. It’s a brilliant way to ease into meditation.
And fortunately, there are loads of great free content on YouTube and meditation apps.
Headspace have released an easy-to-follow, animated documentary that I would recommend checking out on Netflix

5. Limit Screen Time
If you try to reduce your time spent on your devices, you’ll quickly discover how many fantastic things you can do that are not technology related.

Why not try:
- Journal
- Read a book
- Pick up a new hobby
- Or just share a conversation with somebody you love
I’m not saying you have to deactivate your social media. I understand how much of a sacrifice that can be, especially during the coronavirus.

But even limiting your time on social media can help.
There are settings on your phone that will disable the app after a number of minutes on it. Better yet, you can delete time-consuming apps so you’re forced to re-download it if you want to check it.
Having that extra step may deter you from that unnecessary browse. Maybe you’ll even meditate in that time?
6. Sleep
After living with insomnia, I’m a walking reason to inform you how important good sleep is for your mental health.
When I didn’t get good sleep, I couldn’t concentrate the next day. I was narky. My thoughts were all over the place. And, honestly, I was not the best company to be around.
If you’re having difficulty getting to sleep before midnight:
- limit your caffeine
- start waking early
- And set up a night-time routine
Your body and mind (and maybe your pupper too) will thank you.

7. Food, Glorious Food
I understand, it’s hard to eat well when you feel like crap. 💩
The thought of something healthy doesn’t exactly sound the most appealing. Or worse, you don’t want to eat anything at all.
I know when I’m feeling very anxious, I lose my appetite or I become a servant to my sweet tooth.
At this moment, I only want to eat bad things. However, I know that to feel better I need good, real, whole foods.
I’ve discovered that taking the time to make a gorgeous meal, followed by indulging in a small treat will satisfy me. I’ve created countless desserts and sweet treats that satisfy my cravings, without the guilt. You can check out some of my recipes here!
Everything in moderation.
Remember, you are what you eat. Neither your body nor your brain want to run on overly processed junk.
Unsure what to make? Check out my healthy, Balanced Not Bland Ebook here.
8. Music, Baby!
When I was recovering from severe injuries after a car crash, I couldn’t use the gym as my arm was in a cast for a few months. However, I was adamant to get some exercise in.
Instead, I would go on long walks accompanied by podcasts or music. And my sweet dog Rosie, of course!

I have always been so incredibly in love with music. I was the kid that would carry my walkman everywhere. #90’sKid
It was such a lovely ritual! I was able to discover the latest songs by using the prehistoric dial-up internet, burn a CD, and take them everywhere with me until the batteries ran out.
Music has the power to evoke powerful emotions.
Ever watch a terrifying movie without the sound? Not scary.
Or a sad movie without it’s soundtrack? Not as heart-wrenching.
Take the film Up for example. Composer Michael Giacchino was able to use the power of music to bring his audience to tears.
Be aware of what you are listening to.
If you are feeling sad, don’t feed those feelings with self-pity playlists. It’s good to feel your feelings.
But if you consistently choose gloomy music while feeling down, your brain associates this music with sadness. This only makes it harder to get out of your funk!
Try something new by branching out and discovering new music.

Make playlists you can:
- jam out to,
- dance to,
- exercise to,
- drift off to,
- or sing along to (even if you don’t know the words or language!)
When I volunteered in a psychiatric hospital, I was enamored by the music therapy they offered their patients. Music can truly alter our mood and, in turn, change our behaviours.
Check out one of my playlists and discover new tunes:
Times Are Changing
Thankfully, mental health is becoming more and more de-stigmatised.
We’re seeing an increase in the number of role models who are speaking up about their personal struggles with mental health.
There are now more resources than ever before to educate ourselves.
It’s refreshing to see people acknowledge and wear their mental health scars as a badge of honour. I find it so freaking admirable.
If you’re struggling with your mental health, don’t be afraid to talk to someone.

If you want a safe space to discuss your struggles without being judged feel free to reach out and join The Balanced Community.
We’re not qualified therapists, but I can attest to the power of freely speaking with people who have experienced similar struggles.
The Balanced Community prides itself on being a non-judgemental safe space, with like-minded individuals, who want to better themselves.
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Keep Growing & Loving