We all fear something.
These can be physical fears like sharks, snakes, and spiders. Mental fears like public speaking, talking to a crush or losing your job. Along with emotional fears: speaking with an estranged parent, being forgotten after death, or even becoming irrelevant or useless.
No matter what you are afraid of, your fears won’t just go away unless you have the courage to acknowledge them, and take action!

My Fear
I used to adore surfing.
The thrill of catching a good wave. The laugh of falling off and getting back up again. Being out in the ocean and singing songs to myself.
When I was in the water, I never wanted to get out. I remember my Dad always yelling that it was time to leave. He was always met with, “Just one more wave!”…
It was never just one more.

Being in the water was my happy place. It was where I was fully present, with no outside distractions, and in my own flow.
Just like meditation!
Fear story time
A few years ago, I was out in the water on my own. I was pretty far out and caught a nice wave. But it brought me towards the rocks with a strong current.
I tried to paddle back but was not getting anywhere. The current was too strong and my arms were exhausted.
I paddled and paddled, trying to avoid the big waves crashing into the rocks but to my dismay, the current was too strong and I was getting nowhere. After being thrown around underwater and not knowing which way was up or down, I thought I was done.
I was going to either crash into the rocks or drift out to sea.
After what felt like hours, I was tossed into a merciful wave that carried me away from the jagged rocks toward the safety of the shore and I was finally able to paddle back in.
Fears grow with time
Fast forward to my next surfing experience in Portugal years later.
Only five minutes out in the water and I felt myself being pulled by a powerful riptide.
Immediately, all that panic I felt from my last harrowing experience returned and I hurried back to shore, defeated.
My Dad quickly came to shore, assuming I was hurt. When I explained how I felt, he ordered me to get back out there immediately!
I needed to face my fear.

Face your fears; don’t avoid them.
I think of this experience whenever I encounter my fears.
If I’m avoiding something, there’s usually a fear or insecurity lurking beneath the surface. The more you avoid it, the bigger your fear will grow.
It doesn’t just go away!
You must pluck up the courage to face it. Because the only way out is through.
What are you afraid of?
What is holding you back?
Think about these, journal about them and write how you can face them.
I challenge you to pluck up the courage and face a fear of yours today!
Get out of your comfort zone
I frequently ask my friends and family to meditate, and I usually receive the response “yeah sure, I’d love to I just don’t have the time”, they rarely do.
I get it. A lot of us don’t like the idea of sitting with our own thoughts. Some find it scary.
“When a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure”.
If you find yourself distracting yourself with external pleasures, be it shopping, alcohol, or going out, meditation and mindfulness will help you understand why.
Sit and confront yourself. Start small and develop the wonderful habit of meditation. Try this 10-Day Challenge, if you keep with it, I promise you will become in love with meditation!
One way that I’ve found useful to deal with fear in the moment is repeating affirmations. It grounds me and distracts me from the fear by focusing on repeating the simple task. I choose affirmations that give me strength instead of letting my body fill with dread.
Try repeating this the next time you face fear.

I use this affirmation all the time. It helps me battle any anxious thoughts I have. It’s so important in this moment to remember how strong you are.
You are safe. You are protected.
Try practicing a guided meditation to face your fears.
Because you have the courage to challenge any fear that you encounter.