
Week 1


Journal Prompts

1. Why does the idea of being angry seem scary to me?

2. When do I notice my anger the most?

3. Is there something that consistently triggers my anger?

4. How could I better manage myself next time I feel angry?


Week 2


Journal Prompts

1. What do I want to change most about myself?

2. Why do I want to change this about myself?

3. What do I find difficult to accept about others?

4. How could I find acceptance for myself and others?


Week 3


Blog Posts

Journal Prompts

1. How can I forgive myself?

2. What is preventing me from forgiving somebody in my life right now?

3. How would I feel if I was to forgive them and not carry this burden?

4. Is there anybody I need to ask for forgiveness?


Week 4


Journal Prompts

1. What role does self-confidence play in my ability to be compassionate?

2. What are some benefits to being selfless?

3. How can I be more selfless today?


Theme Calendar

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