
Week 1


Blog Posts

Journal Prompts

1. I resent [insert name] because [insert reason]. I think [vent a little more].

2. Could I look at the situation from their point of view?

3. Instead of feeling resentful, what would be a more productive path forward for me?


Week 2

Letting Go

Journal Prompts

1. Today, I choose to let go of the things I can’t control, including…

2. Instead of worrying, I trust that no matter what happens, I…

3. I often focus on everything that is wrong. Today, I give myself permission to focus on something right, including…

4. Instead of focusing on the negative events, here are 3 positive things I’m thankful for what happened today…


Week 3


Blog Posts

Journal Prompts

1. Who are the people in my life who are nonjudgmental, trustworthy and genuinely have my heart in mind?

2. How can I make more time for these people?

3. What are the stories that are regularly playing in my head?

4. What is one story that doesn’t support me, which I can reinterpret?


Week 4


Journal Prompts

1. Write about a time you felt very impatient.

2. Describe how that impatience felt mentally and physically.

3. Write about an occasion when someone had to be very patient with you.

4. Jot down at least one alternative response that you can practice next time you feel impatient.


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